
Man: Anyway, you were saying ...

Woman: Oh, yeah, um ... let's see. Yes, so I was in the museum and there were, I don't know, a hundred people waiting to get into the room. Finally, I got in, and I tried to see the Mona Lisa but I couldn't look at it.

Anyway -  used to change the subject, return to an earlier subject, or get to the most interesting point Her neyse Anyway, how is your new apartment? Get in - to succeed in entering a place, especially a building Girmek They got in through the bathroom window

Man: Why not?

Woman: Because the room was filled with people taking photographs of it!

Man: Oh, right.

Woman: Yes! And selfies.

Man: Wait a minute. You can take photos while you're in there?

Fill - to make a container or space full, or to become full Doldurmak He filled the glass with water While - during the time iken, esnasında, sırasında I read a magazine while I was waiting

Woman: Yes, but you can't use flash. I don't know ... Why do we take photos of everything we see when we travel?

Man: I know. And we never look at the photos after.

Woman: Exactly! I'm tired of always taking photos. I don't feel I'm enjoying things.
