The Woman Who Ran the New York City Marathon Paralyzed

  • Running now is not so different from the way it was before my accident. I like to call it crutching or going out for a crutch.
  • It's just ... maybe looks a little bit different, but mentally it feels exactly the same.
  • Because I could still use my legs, I 've decided to use my legs in the marathon. Good luck! Good luck!
  • Good luck out there today! Have a great run! I wanted to run in my own way, but I never really thought that it was possible until my sister sent me a photo of a woman named
  • Amanda Sullivan, who is an amputee, and she completed various marathons with her crutches.
  • I thought maybe that 's something I can do as well. 26.2 miles is such a long distance for anybody.
  • You really have to have that mental willpower. In my case, I'm out there for over 11 hours. Most people, you know, finish in five hours.
  • I have to tell myself, "I 'm going to get through this." Everything's going to be okay. I might be hurting now, but once I cross that finish line ,I 'm going to heal. I can do anything.
  • I want people to know that no matter what adversity that they 're facing in their lives, they can just use that to grow as a human being.
  • And maybe that will steer them in a different direction that they would n't have normally thought of.
  • Before my accident, I was a very active person, but I almost feel like my adversity exposed my character even more.
  • No matter how much you 've lost in your life, there's always gains , and there's always something that you 're going to grab from it.
  • If you want something so badly , you 're going to find a way to still bring it back into your life, no matter what.